Supporting, resourcing, and advocating for permanently-sidelined student-athletes
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Reuniting Sidelined Athletes With Their Passions

What We Do

Sidelined USA serves the community of permanently sidelined athletes in three ways:

  • RESOURCES - We publish research-based articles and interviews to assist in a healthy adjustment and psychological recovery.

  • CONNECTION - We “connect" sidelined athletes to others who have experienced a medically-forced exit from competition through our Sidelined Stories and Team Sidelined podcasts. 

  • NEW PURSUITS - We inspire sidelined athletes to adapt to their new reality by re-engaging with the sports world through alternate avenues.

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Additionally, we engage in original research and educational initiatives to raise awareness for improved after-care of medically disqualified athletes on a national scale.

  • RESEARCH - Recognizing a significant lack of data related to medical disqualification in the U.S. and the limited research on the psychological impact of medical exit from sport, the Sidelined USA team engages in research to better inform the sports medicine community about best practices for the after-care of medically disqualified athletes.

  • EDUCATION - Our team provides education for athletic trainers, coaches, parents in order to raise awareness of the psychological impact of a medically-forced exit from sport and provides guidelines for best practices on supporting sidelined athletes in their transition forward.


Sidelined USA exists to reunite permanently-sidelined athletes with their passions and inspire them to find a meaningful way forward.


To see athletes create a positive mindset within themselves, requiring their personal best, in order to confidently face and overcome their challenges, both on and off the court/field.


Sidelined USA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, operates entirely on the generosity of the community - individual donors, foundations, and companies. Will you join us in empowering medically sidelined athletes to find their own “comeback” stories?

Our Resources

Click here for an overview of the various resources available through Sidelined USA.

Our Core Values


Positivity propels one to move forward in life. Successful athletes believe that they are never out of the fight. This attitude translates to any aspect of life, including being sidelined. If one seeks success, one must also seek positivity.


Sidelined athletes must learn to do we what we call “make the shift” and adapt to their new reality. No athlete expects to be permanently sidelined, however, they can make the best of the situation by channeling their passion for competition through an alternate means of participation. 


Life doesn't always work out the way one hopes.  In the life of a sidelined athlete, perseverance is crucial.  The road to resolution can be long and hard. Just as perseverance is needed in sports, it is also needed to get through the devastation of being permanently sidelined.

Meaningful Action

Sidelined USA desires to maximize its community impact and support an underserved community. We encourage permanently-sidelined athletes to step into a new chapter of their lives and pursue a new passion or challenge. 


Similar to an individual athlete contributing as just one member of a larger team, Sidelined USA and its members recognize that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves and are committed to working together for the greater good.


The skills that make one successful as a competitor in the sports world carry over to other pursuits. Putting forth maximum effort, cultivating resilience, and focusing on the details are all relevant within the Sidelined USA program. Maximum effort will yield maximum results.  


Cade Pinalto became permanently sidelined in his 7th grade year. Cade, who was a dedicated athlete and basketball player, was told he would no longer be able to compete in his sport due to a heart condition. His greatest passion had been stripped from him and his dreams of competing at the collegiate level were shattered. He became depressed and spent the next two years dealing with anger and identity loss. Later, when Cade reached high school, the men’s varsity coach offered to mentor him as a student coach. Through the mentorship, Cade was able to pull out of his depression and be reunited with his passion for his sport through another avenue. That transformative experience combined with the recognition of the lack of existing support resources available to permanently-sidelined athletes, became the catalyst for the launch of our nonprofit organization. Cade, along with his mother and co-founder, Christine Pinalto launched Sidelined Chicago in April 2016 with a vision to create a better support system for medically disqualified athletes in crisis.

Due to the enthusiastic response of the athletic community, Sidelined expanded nationally in 2018, launching Sidelined USA, and began promoting its resources and support nationwide. Sidelined USA is working to better the lives of sidelined athletes, helping them make the shift to redefine their satisfaction and embrace their new reality in a meaningful way.

Important Announcement
September 2023

The time has come for a transition for Sidelined USA. Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to secure the necessary funding to support a budget which employs staff. Over the past couple of months, we have shifted to a strictly volunteer-run organization and with that naturally comes some shifts in our capacity.

As the only national nonprofit serving, resourcing, and advocating for student-athletes who have experienced a medically-forced exit from sport, we understand how important it is that our resources remain available for free for all the athletes and families who could benefit from them. It is our desire to do as much good as possible while existing within the constraints of our reality.

Despite all of our volunteers having full-time jobs elsewhere, we will continue to provide as many resources as we can including:

Existing online resources such as podcasts, articles, etc.
Medically disqualified student-athlete outreach
Athlete care packages
Connection group
Campus Liaison Program

Limited capacity projects will include:
Social media management
Speaking engagements
Research and advocacy work

In order to continue offering our basic resources, we will rely on the financial support and volunteer efforts of those who want to ensure that our resources remain available to those who need them most.

Thank you to all of our Sidelined community, those who have encouraged us and supported us along the way in our unique mission. We look forward to continuing to do as much good as we can in this space for as long as we can.


Christine Pinalto
Parent of a sidelined athlete & Executive Director

Neither Sidelined USA nor its affiliates provide clinical or medical care of any kind via their relationship with Sidelined. At no time should a user have an expectation of clinical care or professional services offered or rendered.